I just ordered the GIPro Gear Position Indicator with the Advanced Timing Retard Eliminator. I did as much research as possible before deciding on it over other choices out there. The ATRE feature serves the same purpose as doing the resistor modification, it tricks the bike into thinking its in 4th gear to eliminate the factory timing retard in gears 1-3. The display unit has a button that allows you to change between 4th or 5th gear timing settings or leaving it stock. The LED display comes in red, blue, green and yellow (coming soon) with automatic brightness control. I'm told that it has virtually NO display lag time, that seemed to be a major complaint with other brands. Its suposed to be plug and play with no wire splicing or harness mods and installs in less than 20 minutes. $160 seems a bit pricy but if it performs as advertised, it will be money well spent. I'll post results once I get it installed and tested.