led gear indicator

The part you will look at, the "dash" for lack of a better word is about 3.5 inches by 3.0 inches right now.
The part you won't notice is about 1.5 inches, maybe two inches tall.
Been talking to Lon about this project.
He sent me his idea and today I'm sending a prototype (real rough) to him to see what he can do to pretty it up some.
The machinist I been trying to work with must think I'm made of money cause he sure priced everything HIGH.
I told him I didn't want gold just steel.
I'm searching for alternative solutions, and Lon has offered to help.
We'll see how it all turns out.
Glad to hear it. If ya dont know somebody in the machining business, any prototyping is usually high due to the "one off" cost. Obviously if you have a quantity of product it gets cheaper. Heck just buy one of those smithy mill/lathe combo and fab them yourself!! With enough orders you could pay for it!

Yea ole Lons got some machine shop expierence, thats why I was so glad when he offered to help.
Speaking of Lon, everybody saw his grill insert right?
I ordered 1 and I'm here to testify, They're FINE.
I got mine in and installed it as it came, shiney Black.
Truthfully, it didn't PULL your eye to it like I knew it could,
so, I painted it chrome. Theres pictures in the album of it both ways, what do y'all think. Lon will put ANY design on it for you,
Think I'll get one with the patriot guard logo, and one with my road riders for Jesus logo, only takes 5 minutes to change it out,
I'm already wonderin' what I'll see at RAA 4.
5th gear comes around WAAAYYY too soon for me too. If I'm just lolly gaging up to speed I skip 2nd and 4th, I occasionaly try to skip 6th and then wonder if anyone heard me.

Search the net for 'GIpro gear indicator'. It does what you seem to want and has a ATRE as well (advanced Timing Retard Eliminator) that effectively removes the restrictions on the rockets output in 1/2/5 gears. Its reasonably easy to fit ( I did it ) but has a small black plastic case. If you want a billet case then a German company provides one at a price. A british company provides a metal handlebar mount. These could be found by searching Google as I seem to have lost the links. It has a blue or red LED that automatically adjusts in brightness according to the ambient light. I personally think they are great four around 80 GB pounds.

All the best
I miss the 6th gear indicator that was on my Street Bob. I often catch myself ensuring I'm in 5th gear. I wouldn't buy something that's much larger than a bulb, however.
I just ordered the GIPro Gear Position Indicator with the Advanced Timing Retard Eliminator. I did as much research as possible before deciding on it over other choices out there. The ATRE feature serves the same purpose as doing the resistor modification, it tricks the bike into thinking its in 4th gear to eliminate the factory timing retard in gears 1-3. The display unit has a button that allows you to change between 4th or 5th gear timing settings or leaving it stock. The LED display comes in red, blue, green and yellow (coming soon) with automatic brightness control. I'm told that it has virtually NO display lag time, that seemed to be a major complaint with other brands. Its suposed to be plug and play with no wire splicing or harness mods and installs in less than 20 minutes. $160 seems a bit pricy but if it performs as advertised, it will be money well spent. I'll post results once I get it installed and tested.


I have also been looking at the GIPro for awhile now after another Captain sent me an email on the device. He is going to try it also. Please let us know what you think. Looks like it is perfect for those of us using the the PCIII only.
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I have also been looking at the GIPro for awhile now after another Captain sent me an email on the device. He is going to try it also. Please let us know what you think. Looks like it is perfect for those of us using the the PCIII only.
I totally agree.... I think this will allow me to remove the resistor mod and return it to normal configuration. The GIPro should do the job better than than the mod and allow me to change between stock, 4th and 5th gear settings with a push of a button. Of course being able to determine what gear I'm in at all times is what were here for in the 1st place right? I kind of feel like thats just a nice side effect now that I'm hip to what the gadget can do.