Leather wrapped Beetle Bags?

Hey now you have my attention, holster on tank, Ar mount on the back..

I was going to repaint my beatle bags to match the rocket, but wrapped in leather and a tank cover like you described sounds good.

Let him know that this may result in additional customers.

let me know when you have pics, prices etc.
Hey now you have my attention, holster on tank, Ar mount on the back..

I was going to repaint my beatle bags to match the rocket, but wrapped in leather and a tank cover like you described sounds good.

Let him know that this may result in additional customers.

let me know when you have pics, prices etc.

I will post a thread when everything is done. You guys think I'm kidding about the AR-15 mount on my bag, with it being leather and already having a few rivet holes already in it what the hell a few more holes won't matter and this will make me feel alot better not looking at Corbin's ****ty paint job. And the rifle range being 60 miles away, taking the Rocket would be alot more economical than my Hemi Ram :D And I bet I would go shoot more often :!:

Anyone have any unique way (motorcycle friendly) to mount a AR-15 on top of a Beetle Bag
Seen a few secure ways,

if you want to mount it on top, you could simple use a set of u mounts like they have for ATV's

or you could have a dummy mag sticking up that yours locks to and has a cradel to hold th stock and a strap etc
RedRocket said:
Anyone have any unique way (motorcycle friendly) to mount a AR-15 on top of a Beetle Bag

Stop by an equine shop and look at rifle scabbards. (or Google it)
sorry to be the debby downer here.... but what are your local laws for transporting a firearm..... up here in the land of lincoln we need it to be in a case out of reach.... not sure what laws you have down in the gun rack states but it might be worth a look before you scare any LEOs with your new Mad Max rocket
barzeen said:
sorry to be the debby downer here.... but what are your local laws for transporting a firearm..... up here in the land of lincoln we need it to be in a case out of reach.... not sure what laws you have down in the gun rack states but it might be worth a look before you scare any LEOs with your new Mad Max rocket

Someone on my commute had the idea of just mounting the stock of a shotgun with a pipe attached to it to look like a barrel.

It's no longer, by definition, a firearm.
barzeen said:
sorry to be the debby downer here.... but what are your local laws for transporting a firearm..... up here in the land of lincoln we need it to be in a case out of reach.... not sure what laws you have down in the gun rack states but it might be worth a look before you scare any LEOs with your new Mad Max rocket

I don't think it's a problem down here, I will of course check out the law before I actually mount it and drive down the road. It won't be loaded and I will have to have it in a case, but if I had it mounted naked it would look bad ass and get lots of looks and I don't think I would have to worry about any traffic around me or anyone giving me any trouble :shock: :lol:

Mad Max Rocket, it has a good ring to it!!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

When I get this done I am going to call it "The Mad Max Rocket" and will start a thread with it :x 8) :lol:
Juggernaut said:
RedRocket said:
Anyone have any unique way (motorcycle friendly) to mount a AR-15 on top of a Beetle Bag

Stop by an equine shop and look at rifle scabbards. (or Google it)

Will do marcus thanks. I also will look at saddle bags (for horses of course) and see how they have them mounted with rifle scabbards. Good :idea:
Seen a few secure ways,

if you want to mount it on top, you could simple use a set of u mounts like they have for ATV's

or you could have a dummy mag sticking up that yours locks to and has a cradel to hold th stock and a strap etc

Any :idea: what type of mounting that might be a good place for me to start. I may have to get something made in "Chrome" :lol: