Leather wrapped Beetle Bags?

If you want REAL leather, you probably need to find a custom shop.

I would reccommend some vinyl, find a upolstery shop in town and show them the bags and see what they think,

The corbin bags are very curvacious so may be too hard to do in leather
I got a guy here locally, he's called the Assman. Ever see an Assman seat? He does pretty good work, I got an appointment with him Monday am. I'll let you guys know what he says.

Assman, it reminds me of that Seinfeld episode "The Assman" :lol:
I don't think I'd publicly announce that I had an appointment with the Assman.

Don't forget your ball gag...
Juggernaut said:
I don't think I'd publicly announce that I had an appointment with the Assman.

Don't forget your ball gag...

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Awesome ... reminds me of both the mentioned Seinfeld episode, but also the Bruce Willis scene in pulp fiction. Classic.
Geek_Law said:
Juggernaut said:
I don't think I'd publicly announce that I had an appointment with the Assman.

Don't forget your ball gag...

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Awesome ... reminds me of both the mentioned Seinfeld episode, but also the Bruce Willis scene in pulp fiction. Classic.

+1 :lol: :lol: :shock: :shock: :eek: :eek: :lol: :lol:
Big Goaler said:
I don't get it. You take out a second mortgage to buy those bags and now you want to cover them up?

Hey BG sorry I missed you in Daytona. The reason is I am tired of watching out for dings, scratches and scrapes. I will see what the Assman says tomorrow and how much it will cost :lol:
Went to the Assman today and he's going to redo my Corbin seat, cover my Corbin Bettle Bags and make me a leather console for my tank and incorporate my tank bag/ gun holster Velcro it to it using all the same leather. We are going to use 1/4" padding under the leather for the bags & the tank console to give it that deep plush look. I am looking for a design to stitch into the top of the bags, seating area of the seat and the tank console. He showed me some flames but I'm not sure about "flames". You captains got any ideas?????? Since I think so highly of your opinions :roll:

The only drawback to covering the bags is the paint will be trashed, the paint has to be scuffed up for the glue and there will be a few rivets installed underneath on the bottom of the bags. I am not worried about how they are going to look, this guy is the master when it comes to leatherwork. I'm just trying to get over the fact that the pretty paint job will be trashed.
JDuke1980 said:
sounds nice.
i can't wait to see the pic of the tank bag/gun holster.

Duke you just gave me another :idea: I'm going to see if the Assman can incorporate a gun holder for my AR-15 on my saddle bag. It's called a saddle bag not a "Beetle Bag" anymore, now that they are leather :lol: