Riding Motor Since 1950
Westerns - Langlitz Leathers
I bought a pair of these and they are more protective than chaps. I wear chaps also for increased protection and cold weather comfort.
Darn, Doc!!!
You are indeed a man of taste & distinction!

Ross Langlitz and my Dad (Indian Dealer and northwest MC guru in Tacoma, WA) were friends in the late 40s and early 50s. Dad always wore a Langlitz jacket and in much later years (1979-1981) I did also while a motor cop in Tacoma. Many PDs equip their motor cops in Langlitz jackets. When last at Langlitz (12 years ago) the son told me that a huge amount of their leather is sold to San Fransisco ????
I still have and frequently wear my Langlitz custom made jacket. Not so much the trousers anymore as both are heavy and bulky compared to the new multi-seasonal textile with crash pads.