Leaky Coolant Pump has me bummed out....

Those rings are definitely for the water pump and they are a b*tch in my opinion to get installed properly but it can be done. Its just a matter of patience and maybe a little sticky grease to hold it in place till assembly is done.
My 14 Touring water pump started leaking in 2019. I was never able to find O rings and wound up getting a new pump from Triumph.
If one of the O rings you posted is new you're very lucky.
Yes, they both look unused... I am not sure why there are two there as the black one seems to be not the correct oring,,,, won't know until I get her apart. Looks like it is leaking from the motor side.
Pretty sure the "O" ring is the seal for the water pump halves. See number 14 below. Obviously it's been apart before.

Both orings look unused... I am not sure why there are two there ,,, won't know until I get her apart. Looks like it is leaking from the motor side. Thanks for the expanded view. I downloaded a service manual from Australia, but it is in metric specs so I will have to do a simple conversion,... Had add a full quart of oil also yesterday and STILL did not get it on the dip stick.... now I AM worried a little more as well. this bike is SO CLEAN though.... just dust on the motor and NO leakage/seepage anywhere except for the stinkin pump.
Here is an update all.... I was able to get the water pump off with removing the radiator through some muscle and have discovered that it looks like the pump weep hole may be the culprit since it was leaking between the pump itself and the motor... am going to take some pics. the pump cover did has a large amount of black RTV in lieu of the normal oring that should be there... I think "di_k face" thought he could fix the leak by RTV-ing the crap out of the housing cover and when it did not he dumped it... the pump looks really nice on the inside and all fluids came out without any tell-tale rust or corrosion. NEXT QUESTION is: the weep hole is a non-repairable issue is it not? Closest dealer is 130 miles away for a new pump..... Anyone ever repair the weep hole?
The weep hole is there to tell you that the coolant seal is leaking preventing the coolant from entering the engine. It's meant to be there so don't plug it. Not sure if that seal is repairable at least with Triumph parts... May need to purchase another. I'd trust a low mileage used unit.

You also stated that you had to add a full quart of oil. When checking the oil level on these engines, you have to start the engine and let it run for a few moments to allow the scavenge pump to fill the oil tank. Shut off then check right away. The oil in the tank tends to drain back into the sump on some engines quicker than others. This can lead to false low level indications on the dipstick.
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If the pump is leaking out of the weep hole that means the internal seal is leaking on the pump....=needs a new pump.....I would ordering a new pump from Baxter Cycles...a larger Triumph dealer.....
Here are the pics of the water pump..... WAH!!! Was really hoping I could ride the **** thing..... Gotta find a water pump now.... on a sunday.... uh huh.....


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Thanks... this is where I get confused... being an old school guy.... I wudda thought I could get an oil level at any time... hot or cold. To me it does not make sense that I have to run the motor to check to see if I have low oil..... go figure with these new fandangled things....