Leaking Radiator


Standard Bore
Apr 7, 2011
Denver, CO
Greetings to all,

This is my first post and sadly it is to ask if anyone has removed the radiator from an R3, and if so, is it a difficult proposition. It doesn't look like it would be hanging out there all by itself but I thought I would ask first before I tackled it. Had a very low speed low side after my front tire caught in an expansion joint turning over a bridge. Coolant leaks from the lower left corner when bike is running. Any thoughts or suggestions? (Besides the obvious of keeping my face off of the pavement!) Any help is appreciated......

Welcome to the site first off.
Can't say I've ever had mine off.
I've been wanting to do a radiator project for a couple years now,
but they never come up on e-bay.
wonder why??
Anyway, if you don't repair it,
figure out what you'd want for it,
and I'll see if I can afford it.
Hope you didn't get hurt to bad in the ordeal.
Lets see pics, before and after the wreck.
We like pictures here.
So Welcome.
Keep me in mind if you decide to get off the radiator.

Thanks for the kind welcome and the manual, I am sure that will make it possible as I have bent wrenches on aircraft and cars. I was actually worse off than my poor beautiful bike, originally I thought all I needed was a foot peg and shift linkage, but when I started it last weekend, nice little flow if anti-freeze. I broke a couple of ribs and fractured a clavicle, not fun. I will keep you updated as to progress, planning on pulling it next weekend. Any other insight is welcome! Great site and I look forward to learning a lot more. And thanks again for the link to the manual....
Welcome to the site first off.
Can't say I've ever had mine off.
I've been wanting to do a radiator project for a couple years now,
but they never come up on e-bay.
wonder why??
Anyway, if you don't repair it,
figure out what you'd want for it,
and I'll see if I can afford it.
Hope you didn't get hurt to bad in the ordeal.
Lets see pics, before and after the wreck.
We like pictures here.
So Welcome.
Keep me in mind if you decide to get off the radiator

That is my intention is to try and get it repaired, thinking that there must may be a loose seam that can be brazed. I was literally going less then 10 MPH. Will let you know....

On the topic of Radiators a friend of mine had the cover off of his at one stage and i noticed it had KTM stamped in the side of it .
wonder if u can cut out the middleman and order a rocket radiator direct from ktm instead of triumph and save some dollars if u ever needed to get a new one ?
Pulling the radiator is a easy Job just make sure you remove the left plastic front infill panel covering the neck of the frame. This is where you can easily follow the fan wireing to the plug and unplug it. Otherwise the directions are straight forward. Make sure you remove the plsti-chrome radiator covers so they do not get damaged.

Finally after 6 weeks got the sled up and running again, took forever to get a part from Triumph, over 4 weeks. The radiator removal was very easy and straight forward, didn't even have to pull the cover off to unplug the fan, just 3 bolts holding it to the rear of the radiator. There was just a small leak around where the chrome cover bolts in at the top, $65 at the radiator shop and it was all taken care of. MUCH better than the $600 the dealer wanted for a new one! Anyway, thanks for all the advice, much appreciated!

Lee in Denver
That's great news. While you won't get those four weeks back you can sure enjoy making up for it.