A few months back I decided I needed the motorcycle I lusted for when I was in High School, a CL77 or better known as the Honda 305 Scrambler. I had restored a couple a few years back and sold them, this one's for me. I located a candidate in Kentucky and after a two day trip, it was home and it is a 1967 the year I graduated from HS. Rough as a cob, but after some wrenching, praying, and cussing, it came back to life and the old motor fired after sitting for at least a good twenty years. Everything was torn back down and the process started of applying lipstick to a pig. Today I finally hit roller status and I really think I saw a slight flicker of light at the end of the infamous tunnel. Parts have been a bear to locate and **** expensive since the bike was only produced for three years, but I have really enjoyed the process...