Latest Project: Honda 305 Scrambler restoration


Sep 8, 2006
Fredericksburg, Virginia
2005 Rocket 3/2014 Moto Guzzi Touring
A few months back I decided I needed the motorcycle I lusted for when I was in High School, a CL77 or better known as the Honda 305 Scrambler. I had restored a couple a few years back and sold them, this one's for me. I located a candidate in Kentucky and after a two day trip, it was home and it is a 1967 the year I graduated from HS. Rough as a cob, but after some wrenching, praying, and cussing, it came back to life and the old motor fired after sitting for at least a good twenty years. Everything was torn back down and the process started of applying lipstick to a pig. Today I finally hit roller status and I really think I saw a slight flicker of light at the end of the infamous tunnel. Parts have been a bear to locate and **** expensive since the bike was only produced for three years, but I have really enjoyed the process...

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Wow great job. Brings back great memories. I remember my father taking me to the Honda dealer when I was 14 and letting me pick out a used 250 Scrambler. Didn't even have a driver license, used to ride it in the concrete river bed. Rode the hell out of that thing. Never broke down just ran and ran don't think I ever changed the oil, just a kid and didn't know any better. Sold it to a friend back from Vietnam and he took it rode it down to Mexico. The wind in my face and my girlfriend on the back, man I loved that thing.

Big respect got 2 projects waiting to do can't wait for the time when which is sad really wishing my life away that i have time to do them but what with the rocket and the ktm to keep on the road plus work commitments plus keeping the other half happy 1967 i was still 9 months in the making enjoy your adventure as i am sure you will
I have a feeling, when this project of yours is complete, it will be one sweet ride" "Be Safe!
A few more steps toward something you can actually ride. All the wiring done, everything concerning illumination is up and working down to the last dash light. Tank, side covers, and rear fender shot, still need to knock out the front end. Starting to look more like a motorcycle.....