Lane Splitting

Been lane splitting in California for 40+ years with no problems. I try to do it under 40 mph though because above 30-40 mph gaps open in the traffic and cagers will start darting in and out without checking their mirrors. I also try not to go more than 10-15 mph faster than the cages when doing it so they have more time to see me coming up behind them. When people move over for me I give them the two finger wave. Most are nice, but even I get startled when I'm in my cage and some zipperhead goes by 40 mph faster than everyone else.

next time you watch a video on european lane splitting check how the bike thanks the cager (extension of the right or left lower leg) thus keeping the hands where it matters
Ive lane split in CA for 40 years. Its not rocket science. Do it when safe and prudent, not just because you think you have the "right". Its just like the speed law...if its posted at 70 but unsafe to go 70, you dont.

Just remember, at 40 mph you are traveling 59 feet a second and you will need 1.5 to 2 seconds to perceive and respond (88' - 117') to a hazard and then more time/distance to slow and avoid the hazard.
Personally, I agree with the WA restriction to no more than 10 mph faster than traffic up to a 25 mph limit.
Just sayin' . . .
One of my favorites from eleven years ago (old style video, you get used to it -- somewhere in Japan)