There is no lane splitting in the states around me and I have never tried it. As long as it is done with caution and accepting the risks, I see no problem with it. I think all state should allow it when you're stuck in traffic on the highway and no place to go for miles. It's not like a car where you can sit in air conditioning with an automatic transmission. I worry about the stress of the heat on my engine, the constant wear and tear on the clutch and cable in our case. We are at risk setting for extended periods of time in the heat usually dressed in gear that doesn't allow for that body heat to easily be removed. We need to be moving and moving to the head of the line for the sake of both bike and person.
The truck driver is in a lot of trouble if lane splitting was legal in that state. He intentionally knocked the biker down. That is grounds for a lot of legal and financial troubles.
to all the US captains who are ambivalent about lane splitting , it is all a matter of genuine understanding from cage drivers and two wheels riders ,I come from a country where lane splitting ( at any speed ) is tolerated I have done such in the left , the right and even in the median without any fear ever ,and when traffic stop at a red lights all two wheels are jammed between cars ready to take off ahead of car I am talking about dozen scooters and or bikes.
car will MOVE OUT of the way when they see a bike approaching between lane behind them either left or right yes THEY MOVE OUT OF THE WAY and I have never heard nor seen in europe of a car doing the stupid ( criminal ) move of the truck in this video .it is all a matter of sharing road.
but in north america car are still the dominant vehicles on the roads and with the lax exam for getting a drivers license ( a real joke) there is no wonder we see so many car/bike encounters costing limbs and life for the two wheel kind.drivers believe they own the road and behave accordingly and should a bike dare pass between lane WELL!! WE SHALL SEE ABOUT THAT is their attitude
a serious effort should be made to teach future drivers to respect other users of the asphalt and not believe in the conceited view that they own the lane. ( end of rant)
I think you woke from a wonderful dream and should go back to sleep. A freakin patrol car tried to run me over here in Illinois when he misread my plate!!!!
I think you woke from a wonderful dream and should go back to sleep. A freakin patrol car tried to run me over here in Illinois when he misread my plate!!!!
I don't know what it is with IL drivers, but they are the worst I've seen anywhere...and most of it is on purpose...speeding, tailgating, not using turn signals, running red lights, no regard for traffic laws whatsoever, and the mentality that every driver has to get in front of every other driver on the road, all while using a cell phone...must be something in the water here...
I don't know what it is with IL drivers, but they are the worst I've seen anywhere...and most of it is on purpose...speeding, tailgating, not using turn signals, running red lights, no regard for traffic laws whatsoever, and the mentality that every driver has to get in front of every other driver on the road, all while using a cell phone...must be something in the water here...
I don't know what it is with IL drivers, but they are the worst I've seen anywhere...and most of it is on purpose...speeding, tailgating, not using turn signals, running red lights, no regard for traffic laws whatsoever, and the mentality that every driver has to get in front of every other driver on the road, all while using a cell phone...must be something in the water here...
Your area does NOT have a corner on the market. The same things happen here. I am amazed at how many vehicles on the road do not have turn signals.
how about those that pull up and stop wait till you get close then pull out in front of you nobody behind you as far as you can see but still pull right out in front of you san juan county n.m. has one of the if not the highest dwi rates in the state if not country