Lane Splitting Shot Down ... AGAIN

Phil I don't believe it is. Many states have it as a concession to air cooled bikes, or specifically for scooters, but to the best of my knowledge WA does not.
Maybe we should sue for are rights are being violated. It's are right to lane split, filter, lane share!!! It's discrimination against motorcyclist!! Works for everything else weather it's bs or not!!!
Is filtering up at a traffic signal legal in WA? Being in an area without much traffic, the lane splitting isn't important to me right now but after living in the Sacramento/SF Bay Area I can see the big advantage to it.

I don't see that as a big issue, Phil. I have successfully done it a lot, but only past 1 - 3 vehicles.
But if your doing it past a string of vehicles I believe some copper may consider it lane filtering.
I am totally pissed that this ball was dropped by our legislators - BUT they are after-all commie, pinko, HRC loving, flaming libtards!!!
You're all welcome to come over the pond where drivers move out of your way when your lanesplitting':cool::D

My recent out-law experience was actually pretty darn positive! :thumbsup:
Most moved or allowed room, seeming to be possibly aware of the impending law.
Those that hadn't moved did so when they saw/heard me behind them. :inlove
Note: I did confine my "filtering" to between the far left and adjacent freeway lanes and I did not exceed 30 mph.
It sure works WELL, legal or no!!! :eek: :p
More times than not, when I have filtered or lane-splitted, many New Jersey drivers go right into road rage mode. They vehemently hate to lose a place in traffic to others, no matter the vehicle you are on or in!

Your key words, Amigo:
NEW JERSEY!!! :eek: :p