We live in a hurray for me and F U society here in the USA even worse in the mid Atlantic and north east corridor. They almost kill you and then flip you the bird when you tell them about it.
Since when do legalities dictate doing what's prudent? I choose my spots very critically and exercise the maneuver with the utmost emphasis on my own safety and that of the folks sharing the road with me. If I'm breaking the law and get caught doing it, so be it.
Grumpy yes, that's true but it's the urban driver on the cell phone with the Me First attitude that would kill a biker here. Not a good idea imho, I see the distracted driver doing stupid things here daily. Tourists get distracted or have no clue where they are going and make abrupt movements like changing lanes ( across 3) at the last moment at lights here. Even if it were legal here, I don't think I would use the opportunity.
Made me nervous just watching your video. It's too dangerous to even think about riding like that in Ct.last time I rode on a highway here I was going 80 mph in a 50 and the a$$es think they should keep up or even pass you. Gotta stay out front just to keep from being run over.
Over here, it isn't illegal, but not strictly speaking legal either. There are no rules or regulations about it (must be something that isn't mummified in red tape!) but people have been doing it long enough that everyone assumes it's fine.
I've had Fkrs mover over to block me, spit out their windows, holler at me, it just reinforces my disdain for the human race in general, and gives me The satisfaction of leaving their dumb asses sitting in traffic.
Other people on the other hand are very courteous and move over as I approach.
I've had Fkrs mover over to block me, spit out their windows, holler at me, it just reinforces my disdain for the human race in general, and gives me The satisfaction of leaving their dumb asses sitting in traffic.
Other people on the other hand are very courteous and move over as I approach.
That was the thing that surprised me about your vid. It looked like about a third of the other drivers moved over to let you through. That's pretty cool.