Once you do it's addictive because of the time saved baking atop your motor!
After awhile cages actually become aware and make more space.
Reading your post (thanx BTW) I find it interesting they do not address which lanes can be split. IMHO it should be limited to the the left two lanes.
Hope my state passes it . . . fingers crossed.
I'm all for it. It gives me a chance to get away from the younger crowd where alot of them are texting while driving. I would rather take a chance splitting the lane than splitting the shoulder between the road and ditch or road and median. Took a short ride up here in Northern Colorado last Sunday. I cant believe all the people who are texting and driving. One guy was working on his phone and driving. Things that make you go Hmmmmmm. Al
It cool if'n you wish not to do it.
For my take, we have heavy traffic on the Interstate 5 corridor as it traverses through Olympia north to Everett, WA.
I am extremely tired of constantly looking to my rear in fear of some dummy smashing into me when I am stuck in stop and go traffic!
When I move to the left most lane and stop in the shoulder for some semblance of safety, sure as hell some *****will try to pull along side and cut me off.
This safety issue is a real concern.
I only really lane split when traffic is stopped at lights , i'll use either verge to pass traffic when it's stopped on the motorway , gives me more options to bail if some dumb**** doesnt look
We live in a hurray for me and F U society here in the USA even worse in the mid Atlantic and north east corridor. They almost kill you and then flip you the bird when you tell them about it.