They must be monitoring this site. QLD gov is reviewing lane filtering laws. Apparently it's not outlawed know, the transport minister admitted on the news it's a bit of a grey area. They are saying they are not going to follow NSW exactly. In QLD we will be able to use the breakdown lane and up the line between the cars if the traffic is travelling under 30kph, and be allowed to share lanes with other motorbikes. We will also be allowed to take a hand off the bars to raise our visor, adjust a mirror, pick your nose and take your feet off the pegs to stretch your legs. Transport minister said the way the law is written at the moment it is against the law to take your feet off the pegs at the traffic lights, $143.00 fine. QLD is also going to change to the international helmet standards to fall into line with other states. Should be in by the end of the year so they say. Untill then I'll do what I do.