Lane Filtering Rules changed (NSW only)July !st 2014

Lane splitting is allowed in California nothing in the books to say it is legal but it is the only state that allows it, recent studies of the four sunshine states, CA, FL TX, and Arizona came out in favour for lane splitting, CA had fewer rear end accidents thanks they say to lane splitting.
When I lived in Los Angeles and worked in the Valley the 25 mile journey would normally take 3 hoiurs(a wee bit traffic in LA) but on the old Suzuki 550e cut the time in half thanks to lane splitting.
Side note: the MSF and the AMA are both leaning towards lane splitting, now you have to be extra careful when splitting some car drivers do not like it I have seen car drivers open a door to stop a biker.
FYI - There has been a technical paper written regarding why lane splitting is SAFER.
Steve Guderian, a Transportation Safety Specialist the author and he was published in MCN awhile back.
Side note: the MSF and the AMA are both leaning towards lane splitting, now you have to be extra careful when splitting some car drivers do not like it I have seen car drivers open a door to stop a biker.

Resulting in the drivers head being slammed when assisting him to shut his door... I'd hope.
They must be monitoring this site. QLD gov is reviewing lane filtering laws. Apparently it's not outlawed know, the transport minister admitted on the news it's a bit of a grey area. They are saying they are not going to follow NSW exactly. In QLD we will be able to use the breakdown lane and up the line between the cars if the traffic is travelling under 30kph, and be allowed to share lanes with other motorbikes. We will also be allowed to take a hand off the bars to raise our visor, adjust a mirror, pick your nose and take your feet off the pegs to stretch your legs. Transport minister said the way the law is written at the moment it is against the law to take your feet off the pegs at the traffic lights, $143.00 fine. QLD is also going to change to the international helmet standards to fall into line with other states. Should be in by the end of the year so they say. Untill then I'll do what I do.
I would love to get a ticket for taking my feet of the pegs while stopped at traffic lights. That's a court appearance that could only end well in more ways than one.

How exactly are you supposed to keep the bike upright at a stop light if you can't take your fee of the pegs?? As well balanced as the Beast is, I know mine can't stand still on its own.

Legal in California

I think it's the only thing you can do in California without paying extra taxes!
No problem keeping the bike vertical at traffic lights with the DarkSide.

Unless there is a bit of a camber on the road.
An old law that no one has ever looked at apparently. Only came to everyone's attention when a motorcyclist was booked earlier this year for stretching his legs on the Hyway. Law also says that you must keep both hands on the handlebars at all times, makes it a bit hard to indicate your intentions on an old bike without indicators.