ive actually got somebody looking into a biometrics kit for my bike so if anyone knows of an off the shelf solution please let me know.

A friend of mine showed me a biometrics (finger print) lock on his cell phone. I asked him to explain how he would call for help if he crashed and his biometrics were "altered". :eek:

On a side note: I keep a spare key on the leather pull-up loop on my right boot :)
Hey Anthony, hows things?
WTF is a biometrics kit:confused:
fingerprint technology.

i have this in my office and makes it so easy to deny access to people.

A friend of mine showed me a biometrics (finger print) lock on his cell phone. I asked him to explain how he would call for help if he crashed and his biometrics were "altered". :eek:

On a side note: I keep a spare key on the leather pull-up loop on my right boot :)

why cant you keep a spare thumb in your boot? :D

i like the keyless option perhaps bio.. is just not practical.