Key fob and immobilizer system

This guy did a couple of videos...

This guy did a couple of videos...

Useful to know.

I wonder if it’s the same aerial that’s used for both keys? He suggested that key fob positioning was a little finicky while the standard key position was more flexible. Perhaps you can put the fob in the area where the key went?
If no one else tries then I’ll have a go after I pick mine up, currently expecting it on Thursday
Just want to throw in that the little spare key will turn the bike on for 90 seconds. If you don’t start it within that time it will shut off. I know this because a tuner tried to map the bike and it shut down while downloading. Not good. So, if you or someone else is going to work on the bike, use the master key fob. For every day use, I use the little key and it has never said key not detected after I start the bike.