Keep hitting the high beam switch

pondered the mid controls myself too prior to getting the bike cos i was used to the Roadster with pegs under me....have got used to the forward position real quickly 6ft 2" laying down with my boots on so a little different for me.
If it wasn't for my crappy back I would have stayed with the forward controls. Even now with the mid control (all the way back) I feel a little cramped and I'm average height so anything over 6' tall seems like it would be uncomfortable. They need longer/wider pegs but I'll get use to them.
One more thing. You would think Triumph would use the factory set up from forward controls to mid controls but they don't. They use the R controls and pegs. So 4450.00 more to buy what you already have. Now I have a set of new forward controls sitting in my garage. Not complaining as I'm happy as hell I have this bike but man they fleece you on every turn.
Hopefully there will be some of the aftermarket accessory manufacturers taking note and providing a choice. This is always this problem with a new model just on the market. They need to know what people want and then act (slowly) to please the market.
Back to the light issue, why not just ride with your high beams on, especially during the day to increase visibility. I am one of those (insert favorite term) riders who only goes to dim at night. During the day I always run with my high beams on.

I wasn't terribly worried about it, just like to be making a conscious choice, and not an accidental choice . Adjustment of my controls has mostly resolved it!
@Mighty Mouse maybe you need some armored boots...
Back in the day we use to put taps on the bottom of our boots and go out riding at night. We got up to speed on the freeway or surface street and would put both feet down. We put on quite the light show as sparks rooster tailed for about 60' out. You really woke people up with that one.
While I understand the desirability if being seen, riding towards an oncoming car and deliberately dazzling the driver with lights on high beam is just plane dumb. Even in daylight, two bright lights coming at you makes it hard to judge exactly where the oncoming vehicle is. I’m sorry but there are much more sensible ways of attacking the problem.