Kaoko Throttle Lock

I've seen the BreakAway on MC parts and accessories web sites but not really sure how it works. Is it tension adjustable on the fly?
I've seen the BreakAway on MC parts and accessories web sites but not really sure how it works. Is it tension adjustable on the fly?
Go back 2 posts and click on the link to the BrakeAway website he provided. Only thirty some dollars more than the Kaoko. I may be willing to take off my heated grips for that setup.
Go back 2 posts and click on the link to the BrakeAway website he provided. Only thirty some dollars more than the Kaoko. I may be willing to take off my heated grips for that setup.

I went to the site and saw the pic Bill as well as on the MC accessories web sites such as Motorcycle Superstore. but just don't see how it works. I didn't see an diagram of it but will go back and take a second look. It appears to be the type on which one must be stopped to set the tension but I could be wrong.
Go back 2 posts and click on the link to the BrakeAway website he provided. Only thirty some dollars more than the Kaoko. I may be willing to take off my heated grips for that setup.

You will not go wrong with a BrakeAway. I think it is the best and safest throttle lock out there. I had them on three different bikes. Two of them R3T's. The quality is second to none and it releases when you tap the front brake.
@Navigator I'm sure there is a video on you tube showing how the BreakAway works.

A bit more complicated to install but it has a nice safety feature in that when you hit the brake, it releases.

I might be able to install one on my Nomad since I can't use either of the other two. Installation:

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A bit more complicated to install but it has a nice safety feature in that when you hit the brake, it releases.

I might be able to install one on my Nomad since I can't use either of the other two. Installation:

Thanks Navigator and Bedifferent. This is what I'm going to go with. I bought this bike down near Sacramento last fall. Flew down and rode it home. Lots of places on I-5 between Sac and Mt Shasta and most of central Oregon where I was wishing I had some kind of cruise control. This will prove invaluable on my trip back to the midwest next summer.

You made the best choice. You are a wise man!
I definitely think so too. Especially at the price difference between this and the Kaoko.
I had to readjust mine after the first few weeks because it loosened up a little (may have been my own fault on install). After that I have had many months with zero issues. Don't really need to adjust the tension on the fly. Once it's set, that's it. click ON, click OFF, or tap the front brakes. You can adjust where the release hits on the brakes, I have mine set VERY sensitive so if I even tap the brakes it kicks off.
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You should have called me.

I grew up outside of Sacramento in Carmichael and have ridden down to visit family and tour northern California many times since 2003.

I bought my first Rocket in Pensacola in 2007 and rode it home to our home in Port Orchard. I was wishing all the way that it had cruise control and ordered a Throttlemeister as soon as I got home. It made touring on my Rocket so much more pleasant. Fortunately the Touring I have now has cruise. Now if only this #$&%^@!^*! rotten weather would get better I could get out riding and enjoy it.

For the moderator: I was a crytologist in the Navy and only one of us can break the above expletive code.