Kaoko Throttle Lock

I looked up that Kaoko.
I don't trust a twist lock (aka Throttlemeister).
That hunky gear that sits well above the grip looks to me like it would irritate my right hand.
I prefer something simple, yet afective and WAY less ecpensive, like the Go-Cruise.
Kaoko Throttle Control Review
This looks interesting for those of us who don't like to bend over.. GAE makes one too that is cheaper and adjustable. What I like about this if a thief sees it he or she might think twice about stealing your bike. A professional thief will get your bike no matter how you secure it. This looks like it would be a beach to remove.
I had Throttlemeisters on two bikes, a BMW GS and my 07 Rocket Classic and ridden all over the country on both bikes. They are the next best thing to a cruise control and worked just fine for me. They allow the rider to rest the right hand or relieve cramping while maintaining speed. I set mine on with slight friction so that I can tweak the throttle with the fingertips when needed. It was especially effective on the Rocket because with their torque and HP they don't loose speed with slight inclines.

My son gave me a Kaoko for my VStrom DL650 and while the principal was the same it had a more handy knurled knob for setting and adjusting speed. There were times when riding in the rain that I had a difficult time getting a firm grip on the smooth surface of the Throttlemeister, not so with the Kaoko. Now Throttlemeister also offers a slotted bar end unit for better grip.

The previous owner of my Touring had the cruise control installed. If I didn't have it I'd be installing one of them. Kaoko makes one for the Rocket as does Throttlemeister. The Kaoko is made in South Africa.

Kaoko Throttle Lock Triumph Rocket III - RevZilla

Home - Throttlemeister

IMHO, if you don't want to spend the money on the cruise control, go with either one and I don't think you'll regret it.

Oh and this is what you will have with the cruise control, a hang on controller that I don't particularly care for but it works. The module is mounted under the bike on the right side next to the engine. Claviger located it while he was over downloading the tune on my Touring.

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Thanks Navigator. I think I'll go with the Kaoko. I rode for years on my Sport Tourers with a Cramp buster, but there is no way I want one of those on the R3T. I don't think the knurled nob will be crowding my hand nearly as much as the Crampbuster. A question I have for you since you have experience with them: in case of an emergency, can you physically shut down/override the Kaoko or do you have to make sure to have your hand on the knurled knob to shut it down?
I mentioned keeping them set very lightly to make adjustments in speed very easy, which also makes it easy for me to close the throttle in case of emergency. I just have never had an issue with any of them with respect to emergencies. I've braked/swerved to avoid deer, auto, debris, idiot people stepping into traffic etc., and haven't had a problem with them.

When 1oldbull and Claviger were over the other day, we were discussing the lever style throttle stop that I have on my Vulcan Nomad. They cost about $10-$25, depending on which one you get and clamp on the grip all the way to the left, with the arm resting on the front brake lever. You turn the throttle to the desired position and then push the little lever down until it contacts the brake lever and it will hold the throttle in place. It easily disengages. I'm not sure if the cheaper one would work well on a Rocket because of the somewhat stiffer throttle that the Rocket has compared to other bikes. With the below one the tension is adjustable but the principal is the same. I use one on my Nomad because the grips I have will not accept Kaoko or Throttlemeister.

SALE Universal Motorcycle Cruise Control CNC Throttle Lock Assist Control | eBay

And BTW, I have cramp busters on all of my bikes, even with a throttle lock, or in the case of my Rocket, cruise control. I like them when I'm in and around town or in traffic.

I've had the very simple GoCruise throttle lock on my R3T without issue for the past 3 years. I'll still look into a real cruise unit one day but it was the best $20 on and single upgrade I've spent so far.
like what has been said kaoko works good u need to practice with it.
i also tried just pulling in the clutch at about 55pmh and the rpms went to around 3000 plus nothing i could not live with in case of emergency. although it would startle you. even if u had to pull the clutch in at 85 the rev limiter would keep it under control till u get the throttle under control
Assuming any thief is equipped to cut a lock or chain, cutting the front brake pipe / cable near the lever would free up the front wheel? I'd guess a disc lock would be more effective.
I had something very similar to the Kaoko on my last bike, it took some getting used to engaging and disengaging it, but overall it did the job. I installed a Brake Away throttle lock on my R3R this time and ABSOLUTELY LOVE IT! A simple button push to lock it, and either another button push on the release OR applying any pressure to the front brake lever to disengage. Pricey, but I absolutely think it was worth it.
7CP04 - Motorcycle Cruise Control by BrakeAway Products
The BrakeAway was my first choice, but they say that it doesn't work with heated grips. I think I'll give them a call.