Kaoko Throttle Control for R3

Good reason for throttle lock: Occupational hazard = carpal tunnel syndrome on right arm. VERY uncomfortable after holding the throttle steady for a while. Tried the CrampBuster and this helps, but the throttle lock would increase my RANGE!!! Want to take this beast as far and for as long as possible!! Right arm pain limits that at the moment.

There is no fix for the Kaoko TL at the moment with the classic bars. It's a male trying to be female or vice-versa thing---just doesn't work!!
Thanks Owl !! Quick and painless!!

End of classic handlebar is a male:

Barweight on classic handlebar end is a female:

Kaoko articulating surface is flat:

Hopefully Kaoko will be retooling to make a female articulating surface.

Sorry for the quality of the photos. Didn't have my good camera available.
Kaoko responds...

Roy Mentis from Kaoko wrote:

"From the photos you have sent, the inner bar extends past the end of the grip by the ½ inch you mention and the issue is easily resolved by simply adjusting the throttle assembly along the bar end so that it is approx 1mm in from the end of the rubber grip. This is done by loosening the clamp screws with 4mm Allen key (2008 model and I assume same on earlier models)."

This puts the throttle assembly .5 inch further out than the left assembly, but the difference isn't noticeable. Have reordered the Kaoko and will give it a go to see if this works. Will post results.
Interesting thread. When I bought my standard rocket new I had the dealer install the classic handlebars. When I got it home I ordered the Kaoko and had no problem installing it. I didnt have any of the male/female issues. I wonder if the dealer really did install the bars and cables? I certainly did pay for it and they held the bike for a few days to do the work. I wonder if I got hosed and really dont have the classic bars. Is there any other way to tell?
I bought a 06 classic which they did not have classic bars at the time so I ordered a set and put them on myself. If you can't feel the difference then you had classic bars already or you do not have them now.
Unless somone put rivco risers on it which I still think you would feel the difference either way. The classic bars have more rotation and length on the hand grip area. I went to the shop and dug out the old ones and you can also see the difference between them. Do you still have both sets?
if so hold the old ones up to the bike you will see what I mean.
Unfortunately I dont have the other set as the dealer never gave them to me. Since I never road the bike with the original set I cant compare riding styles either...
I will see if I can take measurement differences tomorrow and send them to you and if I can I will find a camera to take pictures I am sure we can show you the difference.