K&N's without TORS-Worth the trouble?

If you're looking for a few extra ponies at low cost, there is a tune or two floating around that will give your Touring 30 more hp even with stock intake and exhaust. All it takes is a $20 cable.

I think if you add more air, and change nothing else, then it should be lean or more lean than rich. Do like Steel said with the 20 buck cable. There are still TORS out there. Triumph Off Road Silencers.
And if you follow Dave @scot in exile, you will be off roading down a gravel road:p

I have TuneECU and early last spring I loaded the "Power-Tripp-R3T_stock_or_slip-on" map. I have some other maps for other mods. One of these days I have just got to bite the bullet and do it!!

Thanks for the info all!!
I have TuneECU and early last spring I loaded the "Power-Tripp-R3T_stock_or_slip-on" map. I have some other maps for other mods. One of these days I have just got to bite the bullet and do it!!

Thanks for the info all!!

I run the R3T_stock_or_slip-on tune with D&D's and a K&N filter under the seat... Maybe one day I'll get more creative, but I love it!
I run the R3T_stock_or_slip-on tune with D&D's and a K&N filter under the seat... Maybe one day I'll get more creative, but I love it!

One of the first things I did when I got it was switch out the stock air filter under the seat with a K&N. I have K&N's on my Kawasaki Vulcan directly on the carb openings under the seat (bought it that way about 10 years ago). Gives a nice kick there. :)

I have a set of used TORs that I am willing to sell. I know a guy who sells slip on pipe (no muffler) if you want to go that way. Run the tune from the resource section here that Clavinger posted for the ram air filter and TORs. I am very happy with the results.

I went back and found this. That is the look I love!! I've seen kits with the triple filters plus ones for the sensor and engine breather. Been awhile and don't remember how it was supposed to be done.

What's the detail on the TORS you have? If I don't catch them, someone will!
If nothing else it makes balancing the throttle bodies much easier with the air system removed. Also gives you a decent box under the seat to hold wet weather gear.

For any real performance benefit need to improve exhaust too.

I gave away a spare set of triple k and n's when tuning a bike some time back because i could not be bothered faffing round with the airbox setup after taking it off.
Well I must be deaf I think...I’ve installed the triple KNs , air box delete, DP outlaws etc...I have never heard this ‘ exhaust sound coming from the intake’ ? It’s sounds great and I guess a little different at the intake but not too decearnably so. Nor have I noticed ever the’chirping’ I’ve heard so much about. Could be that the DPs drown out the other ‘new’ noises. Or, could be I installed the exhaust , airbox delete , PCV / AT , Ozclaw immediately after I had its first service so within 1st two months.
Anyway , this is my third Rocket and I honestly cannot tell you I’ve ever significantly noticed much ‘extra’ noise at all. (My filters are now behind ozclaw). I feel I’ve missed out on something somehow?
I’ve never heard the chirp and I’m glad but I do hear an intake growl that was very noticeable, and pleasant. I have cut the bear claw and most of the filter elements stick out and are very visible. An aggressive look and sound IMO.
I’ve never heard the chirp and I’m glad but I do hear an intake growl that was very noticeable, and pleasant. I have cut the bear claw and most of the filter elements stick out and are very visible. An aggressive look and sound IMO.

Doc, how did you cut the claw?