Just Here To Lurk

Oh Lordy welcome from Idaho. Here is my suggested route plan. Go test ride a Rocket. Like IDK said take your check book with you. Bring it home. Save all that money you were going to put into the 1100 and sell the 1100. Keep the 800. It is a nice little bike to through around. You will be on the Rocket most of the time anyway. You will be amazed how much you can ride a Rocket like a sport bike or a cruiser.
Welcome, I had a 109 and I am glad I found the rockets they handel better and have a much nicer gearbox, just buy one you won't regret it.

Nice pix, Warpo!
Bad Ass!
PS: take that "4-14" park sticker off - you're RETARDED, right?
Welcome from WA State. I too lurked for a short time before jumping in.
My ailments are similar to yours except they're called Oh $hit My Knees!
I spent 8 years on a big V-Twin (not Harley) after leaving sport bikes and had given up on the true exhilaration of twisties.
THEN I got the Roadster! Still not a sport bike, but THE next best thing if youse have @OhLordyMyKnees !
5 knee surgeries and 6 total procedures here, olbull and I'm still tickin' like a Timex watch, albeit with a l'il bit o'corrosion!

The Brute exhaust does seem nice, but I've never had good luck with stroked motorcycle (sportbike) motors. I always end up having to lower the compression, which negates most of the low end gains.

G'day and welcome. Go to your local Triumph dealer and take a test ride - and take your check book. Then you can fit the turbo (or supercharger, or other high power kit) to the RIII and stop messing around with all the other stuff.

Sadly, my nearest dealer is a solid 3 hours away, and that's on a bike (the 1100) that cruises at 140 with ease!

Welcome to the forum, there are some Rockets here in the forum that will eat a sports bike for lunch, and they look stock, ask the carpenterized guys

0-100 I'm sure that torque is hard to beat. But at 150+, it's a sport bike kinda world.

I do appreciate your weighing in, @ricochet . That's the kind of comparisons I've been looking for.
The two standard Carpenter Racing engine packages are not stroked, but that is an option you can get if you want more displacement.
The two standard Carpenter Racing engine packages are not stroked, but that is an option you can get if you want more displacement.

No? I read the 240 kit coming with pistons and assumed (you know what that does!) that meant they were at least boring it over. Interesting...
The Brute exhaust does seem nice,

0-100 I'm sure that torque is hard to beat. But at 150+, it's a sport bike kinda world.
Its good to see you have a sense of humor now as for above 150 heck I just got into fourth gear at that speed. in fact pulled up on a busa for a quick look at his ride when he hit his speed limiter.
You should have seen his face when I shifted it into fifth gear pulled away.
Sport bikes are crunchy and taste like peanut butter