Last time Black Betty went to Carpenter, I got her back and was very unsatisfied with how she ran. Bob didn't seem to have the time or desire to get her running right. I couldn't figure out exactly what the issue was, and was given help and suggestions from a couple of members here. Thanks to those guys! So I brought Betty to another mechanic who tunes race cars and bikes. Again we got nowhere. Finally I brought her to Tommy at Extreme Machines in Millstone NJ. He's the guy who tunes the Triumph Streamliner before they go to Bonneville. Well it turned out that all my problems were in the tune. He wound up getting 251 hp and 185 ft/lbs of torque. That's with pump gas and filters in place. She now has more low and midrange power than ever before. It's no secret that I like sending the front tire skyward, but I'm having to relearn how to ride in 1st gear. Barely off throttle at 25-30% the front tire wants to leave the ground. There is no snapping the throttle open in 1st at anywhere in the rpm range, slow roll of the grip, and she climbs up. Needless to say that I'm ecstatic with the results.