Just got another dyno tune

For what it is worth just got off the phone with the service department, unfortunately Tommy was not available but when inquired they stated they will not tune with TuneECU only PC.

For what it is worth just got off the phone with the service department, unfortunately Tommy was not available but when inquired they stated they will not tune with TuneECU only PC.

You might want to ask Tommy himself.
Those are incredible numbers. So you hauled the bike from Louisiana to New Jersey?

Exactly how do they do this? Keep changing the tune until peak hp and torque are optimal?

My guess is that you have to get your new low restriction pipes on, get the cat restriction out (mine is a R3T), the crossover in, the airbox mod done and THEN head to a tuner who does his magic via the dyno. Is that correct?

I would like to make some changes for better performance (de-restricting) but want to do it right the first time.
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Yes it's been back and forth a few times.

Yes a good tuner will keep adjusting a little at a time until it's putting out the most power that it can. Carpenter doesn't have a sniffer so he guesses at it, and doesn't seem to care about doing a thorough job. Make sure you go where they have a sniffer.

Yes get a good flowing exhaust, and also a better breathing intake. Then get her to a good tuner for the best results with your particular setup. Speak to the tuner to find out if he can tune the ECU or if you need to install a Power Commander.
Good advice. Thanks. You have obviously done your homework and are reaping your just reward! Thanks for chiming in. I am sure I will have more questions. It will be difficult fining a good tuner who knows what they are doing.
So the power commander replaces the ECU? Why would someone want the commander when the ECU can be so easily tuned? Curious. Can the bike be damaged by an improper tune? Who or what creates these tunes?

When I installed high compression pistons in my roadstar, I had to install a Dyna ignition module in order to be able to adjust the timing for the new pistons.
The power commander works with the stock ECU. Before TuneECU and others there was no way to tune the stock ECU. More tuners know and use power commander.
Yes you can absolutely destroy your engine with an wrong tune.
Best bet when making changes is to have a good tuner tune it.

Thanks Rick. I have known guys who have burnt through pistons because the reworked the engine and did not rejet. In my case, I gut BETTER mpg when I scrapped the EPA junk, upgraded the intake, repiped and rejetted the carb. Went from 42 to 51. Pulled the plugs to inspect them after four years of use and they looked perfect.
I think it will be hard finding a good tuner where I live. Closest Triumph dealer is 200 miles away, but ok. I like being a pioneer and having an interesting bike.