Just Fitted TTS Supercharger (Stage 1)

If that is performance with no mods that may be the most cost effective mod! I am assuming intake and exhaust are not stock?
If that is performance with no mods that may be the most cost effective mod! I am assuming intake and exhaust are not stock?

Stock Headers (with short slip on muffler).....only upgraded high pressure fuel line.....if you fit it yourself would be much cheaper I'm sure (i had a good mechanic fit mine...so labour was not really cheap).....upgraded "high pressure" specialized fuel pump and line was around AUD1,200 for parts....
More information on your clutch master cylinder please...Is it the TTS chrome item painted black.
I used the clutch master cylinder from a Daytona for mine.
Just fitted a TTS Supercharger (Stage 1) to my 2010 R3R.

No other mods apart from upgraded fuel line.

OK....so I've been riding around a few months now on this Stage 1 TTS kit with 234HP and 270NM (no other mods apart from high pressure fuel line).....first ride home from the mechanic was a lesson in speed, power and restraint and required some change of attitude....(the speedometer needle now moves like the tachometer and i quickly find myself doing a 160 - 200 kph in the blink of an eye).

Done about 2,000 km of city and country riding now. I have to say this bike is a Shi$ ton of fun!....power rolls on and off nicely and if you kick it in the guts it takes off like a bullet at any point in the rev range.....been a few instances of various bikes/cars looking to take me on but so far the torque on this beast has left them all for dust (even arse kicked a BUSA from the lights...)

But as my mechanic said this engine has only "just woken up".....and so, given its always been in my nature to push boundaries.....I'm off to shake this sleeping guerrilla of an engine up further.

Next steps:

> Just ordered stage 2 from TTS (aluminium radiator and inter-cooler)
> Viking or CES headers, still deciding...(anyone with any comments on this?)
> Upgrading the valve springs and push out the red line from 6500rpm to around 7500rpm
> Re tune on the Dyno

Fitting will be next winter, when its cold and rainy outside in Melbourne....I will come back to you all with an updated Dyno readout.....expecting 300+ HP...no idea where the NM will end up....

Be interested in any comments on Viking vs CES, or other thoughts from you all...

Cheers and safe riding.......
I fitted a stage 2 from TTS and had 306bhp and 244ft/lb on the dyno......That was with stock headers and tors.

Since i fitted a carpenter classic rod the bike has greatly improved and not only power but now runs a lot smoother...Will dyno again soon.