Just doing my part

Yeah I hate it when I get pelted with.......(hang on a second while I go look up what gibbers are in the OZ slang dictionary.... nope, not even in 3 or 4 different versions.) Oh well, whatever they are, it don't sound like any fun to be pelted with them. :cautious:

I guess that if any whatever them things are start getting pelted at me at 0500 I will just fire up the old antique straight piped Harley for a couple of days so they will know how good that they had it with the R3.

@TOMCAT How many meters of what width LavaWrap did you have to use to wrap the header pipes on the Team Ponters exhaust?
I wrapped my Reband (Same as Team Ponters ) Headers in Lava Wrap - I think I bout a 10 meter roll, but beware the ceramic coating may become compromised and rust spots may appear under the wrap.
. Just my 2 cents.