Just added accent lights, any thoughts??

Allow me to fly in the face of opinion and say. OH DEAR GOD.

There's enough ruddy light contamination without having to identify UFOs on the road.

Show lights stood still - with the barely adequate sized R3 battery - your call.

Here you'd get double nicked - The lights and the colour.
Note I'm not against being visible
tapenight.JPG tapeday.JPG
Reflective tape.
Haha oh mr b I do love you you make me laugh ... :D but it does look sexy from a young ehhem very young ladies point of view :rolleyes::thumbsup:
Well, I'm not really into lighting but I must say yours looks incredibly good. It's not something I could have envisaged personally but it does look tasteful.
To each his own. At three in the morning riding home most folks pull up behind me and refuse to pull up beside me not because of the light but the boots and hair falling out from the helmet. No remorse. If I was lighted up like that most rednecks around here would run my #ss off the road. Just saying.:sneaky::sneaky::sneaky::sneaky::sneaky::sneaky::sneaky::sneaky::sneaky:
To each his own. At three in the morning riding home most folks pull up behind me and refuse to pull up beside me not because of the light but the boots and hair falling out from the helmet. No remorse. If I was lighted up like that most rednecks around here would run my #ss off the road. Just saying.:sneaky::sneaky::sneaky::sneaky::sneaky::sneaky::sneaky::sneaky::sneaky: