Just added accent lights, any thoughts??

It is slowly going on me, I diffidently want to be visible but I equally do not want to be THAT guy..
I'm not sure about riding with the lights on, but I think they look great when parked and I think they add a level of security? Whenever I've seen bikes parked on the street with ground effect lights I've assumed they either have an alarm on them or the owner is very aware of who's looking at his bike.
Oddly enough I reside in Naples Florida. Which is a fairly conservative area, so I do completely agree with you that it is a risk.
Allow me to fly in the face of opinion and say. OH DEAR GOD.

There's enough ruddy light contamination without having to identify UFOs on the road.

Show lights stood still - with the barely adequate sized R3 battery - your call.

Here you'd get double nicked - The lights and the colour.
Note I'm not against being visible

Reflective tape.
It is all good my friend. I have converted all the lights to LED so the draw on the battery is minimal and I like where you going with the reflective tape. I worked Fire & Rescue for a number of years and have seeing my fair share if motorcycle accidents. More times than not during the interview of the driver, they just simply did not see the motorcycle. Perhaps I'm just over sensitive to the idea of visibility...
Go for it !!! It's bloody sexy and cool bugger what they say what ever you think should go first... do it .... never mind anyone else as long as your happy with it ... all s well right