Jumping out of gear - HELP

when u walk in punch him in the windpipe and just tell him that was for last time

Now Mitch, that's not very nice.

Well I went to see him and have to say he was very amicable. He (dealer principal) took it for a ride and came back saying he thinks it could be the de-ten spring thing and that if he could he'd get at it without pulling the engine - but not until next week. He wants to work on it himself and can't do it until then. I'm reading that as good.........It certainly was nice of him to check it out personally and after I'd just dropped in without warning.

He also said it could be more serious. I feel I'm in a bit of a bind but have little option. In any case, he has been good to me in the past and most people reckon he's OK. Fingers crossed.

Guess it means I'll be getting around on the Virago for a while. Maybe it's time to convince Amanda she needs that Speedmaster.......

Timing could be better though; we bought a house on the weekend and stretched ourselves by about $50,000 .
Well, congrats on the new house! Something good this week anyway. $50,000.. welcome to the American way of life ...
I'll keep my fingers crossed for ya.
Did u punch him in the wind pipe ?

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You make me laugh young Mitch.
No, I didn't need to punch him in the wind pipe. He said he'd look after me himself and I'm prepared to give him the benefit of the doubt. Given that so many others seem to have had this or similar problem before, I'll make a call to Triumph in the morning and see if they'll cover it as a good will guesture. They bloody should.
For what it's worth...I've had the experience of my bike jumping out of gear as well, both during acceleration as well as deceleration.

Popping out of gear during acceleration is more than likely to be a bike in need of the infamous "upgrade kit", it usually starts occurring in second gear under heavy torque load. The upgrade kit gears are "back cut" to help ensure tight enmeshment while engaged.

Popping out of gear during deceleration is most likely a weak or broken detent spring. This will happen in any gear during deceleration. You can keep it in gear if you maintain foot pressure on the shifter after making the shift. Never lifting your foot off the shifter keeps the required pressure on the fork to keep it in gear. It can be replaced without removing the engine...just the radiator and front cover.

I'm just sayin...
I'm hoping it's (just) the detent spring. Bike goes in tomorrow (monday). Rang Chris at Triumph Australia and he said that they'd do it as a worranty job, if that's what the problem is. I'm out of warranty but only by 3 months so he said it was goodwill thing. If it's something else then we need to discuss it with him and he'll make a call then. So far so good! And good on Triumph Australia.
My bike was a month out of warranty and Triumph fixed the de- ten spring and also said they would stand by the gearbox if it was to fail in the future as long as I have a full dealer service history.
Do you use Two wheels in Edinburgh Doug?
Good outcome

Just picked the bike up. It was the detent spring and as I mentioned, Triumph Australia allowed it as a warranty job even though I'm out of warranty. There was a small cost to me for oil, filter and coolant - all of which it needed anyway.
Eurotune has been terrific with great service and feedback. Last experience may be have been a one-off, so hat's off to them too. :bch:

The spring had broken and while they had been able to replace it by just removing the front cover, they couldn't find a large piece of it so had to take the sump off to get all the bits out.

Sooooo good to get back on and ride home with a normally functioning gear box. She's riding beautifully and the changes are smooth. Only upside of not being able to ride for a while is how f*cking great it feels when you get back on. And it's only been 2 days!!!!! (but a week before that of only gentle stuff). I know, I'm spoilt.

Thanks all for your well wishes and advice.