I had i nightmare when i took the rocket for a service, they adjusted the clutch...
What a complete f*ck-up they had done to my bike, no gears could be selected, found neutral all the time when i did get moving eventually, a total mess, so i would make sure the adjustment is right, i know its a long shot be it would'nt take long too check..
So I took my son to school again today and set off cautiously. For about 3km all seemed fine and back to normal. Yay. BUT just when I'm thinking a 'miracle' overnight fix had occured, it jumped again and did it a few more times before I got home. Skipping 2nd avoids the problem until I can take it in. Really feels like the sort of thing a failed spring would cause. Bugger it.
I had the de-ten spring go and it was way worse than you describe, almost undrivable. This sounds like the dreaded upgrade kit required..... What year is your bike?
It's an '09. Taking it out to the dealer for an assessment - only 15mins away. He's always done right by me in the past; just couldn't understand why he tried so hard for the last job not be a warranty job. Fingers crossed that was a one-off and it's not too major.
The detent spring mechanisim is behind the clutch basket.
in the picture below the engine is upside down the mechanisim is in the lower left of the picture. If the engine was upright it would be in the top right hand side. you can see some of it with the basket on but you have to remove it to work on it.
It's an '09. Taking it out to the dealer for an assessment - only 15mins away. He's always done right by me in the past; just couldn't understand why he tried so hard for the last job not be a warranty job. Fingers crossed that was a one-off and it's not too major.
I wouldn't ride her anymore than necessary. Every time it jumps out, you take the chance of rounding the engagement dogs on the side of the gear. That is a definite engine out affair !
Yes you can get the cover off without taking the engine out. I had the engine out because my inner clutch hub grenaded and bent the tranny input shaft. The one the clutch basket rides on. So I had to split the engine. SHe is back up and running now like a scalded ape
I am north of Atlanta now taking Gracie to Daytona