Jump start battery

Almost hard to believe it can start an engine with those tiny little wires ? I could see it kicking up the voltage. Would it work if the vehicles battery was flat dead ? Does it start right away or do you let the PowerAll charge the vehicles battery and then try to start ?

They will start a car with a dead battery. Just hook it up and start, no need to wait. Mine will do at least 2 F150s that are dead. There are a lot of different ones on market.
Letting it load balance would actually reduce the potential to start the vehicle, the lower the voltage of the LiPO, the less amperage it can provide, and amperage is what gets em started not depth of charge.
I found it mush cheaper at Amazon:
They also have 16000 and 32000 models with more mAh for more moola.

I would like to point out that the PBJS32000-R is 24 volt only so that kicks it down to just two units PBJS12000-R and PBJS16000-R that will work with our bikes.

Almost hard to believe it can start an engine with those tiny little wires ? I could see it kicking up the voltage. Would it work if the vehicles battery was flat dead ? Does it start right away or do you let the PowerAll charge the vehicles battery and then try to start ?

I have a muscle car that doesn't get used that often but the battery stays on a tender at all times. Not long ago I cranked it up and drove it. For some reason the battery didn't have enough juice to crank it up the second time so I had to have someone jump me off.

I've been wanting to purchase a jump box to have on hand in the car and of course have handy in my shop. So now since I saw this thread I am really interested in the small compact units compared to the larger ones. The main reason is the compact ones will fit on my bike and I can take it with me in the car. However I'm still in the "hard to believe" section. lol
However with the 12000 being only $70 or so it wouldn't be dramatic that it wouldn't jump start a large vehicle but will jump start a motorcycle. It wouldn't be a total loss.

Here is a very interesting link comparing best jump starters. Notice that the PBJS1200R is rated number 2 in the comparison.

Best jump starters

I noticed this on the Amazon page selling the PBL1200 so be careful.

"While this item is available from other marketplace sellers on this page, it is not currently offered by Amazon.com because customers have told us there may be something wrong with our inventory of the item, the way we are shipping it, or the way it's described here. (Thanks for the tip!)

We're working to fix the problem as quickly as possible."
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I would like to point out that the PBJS32000-R is 24 volt only so that kicks it down to just two units PBJS12000-R and PBJS16000-R that will work with our bikes.

Thanks for the information!
I have been vasilating between ordering the 12000 and 16000.
There is like a $100 difference in cost, so considering the questions regarding these devices I ordered the PBJS12000R.
We shall see . . . I have a couple of old batteries, I may temporarily reinstall just to test this thingy out.
I've been looking at the Anti Gravity Micro Start battery. Pretty powerful. Not sure if this has been posted before but this battery does it all.

I've been looking at the Anti Gravity Micro Start battery. Pretty powerful. Not sure if this has been posted before but this battery does it all.

I gave that one a hard look as well. Well, actually the stronger model XP-10. It was rated 1st by Consumer Reports, but several peeps had fire and melting issues.
The PBJS12000-R was rates 4th and much cheaper.
All the top brands have a 6% to 8% 1 = SUX rating. Likely any of these are somewhat of a crap shoot.
If mine works out it'll be handy to have along on rides for me and for my Amigos.
The XP1 Antigravity is the setup I have, love it.

Generally any product will have a certain number of window lickers that leave 1 star reviews, usually it's based on operator error that is blamed on the product.

Concerning firrs.... all of them have pretty much the same chance of bursting into flames. The biggest risk factor is over charging it or over drawing it, both of which should be mitigated by the controller inside assuming QC during construction is equal.

LiPOs are great little batteries, but they do need to be treated with some care compared to lead acids.
What you think about the lithium permanent batteries, like Odessy?