Feels a LOT better, thanks NM. Look forward to seeing you at RAA VI and the band of merry men from points west. Almost like a Rendezvous for mountainmen and trappers. Be careful round them fellers from Oklahoma:rolleyes:. I'll PM you the closer we get to the event with some things of interest. Make sure you have room for trinkets and baubles.
One of my favorites, if I get it right....

"It's not for eatin', it's just for looking through."

Who said that one?

One of the best movies of all time, love the name change!
One of my favorites, if I get it right....

"It's not for eatin', it's just for looking through."

Who said that one?

One of the best movies of all time, love the name change!

How's that blue and white Classic doing these days? Any Mod's lately?