Jardines Too Loud??


Gotta say, wish I had done this a long time ago. Well worth the money. Besides lowering the DB's a few, I have a smoother idle and less engine noise in cruise. I used to have what sounded like knocking when lightly accelerating, now that's totally gone.

Couldn't be happier.
Ye I can see how the baffle could shoot out the back if it's not properly secured.
Oh yeah it can happen.I replaced the pop rivets with self tappers after I repacked the baffles.I noticed it was sounding different on one side and saw the baffle half out the exhaust pipe:eek:

Got some bigger self tappers and all is well now:D
Lucky you, my right side is all one piece after the header, so I had to put the 2nd baffle in the small space between the header and head pipe that leads to both sides. I honestly dont notice that much of a difference in sound. I guess its quieter.
I have run into this game before on my Valk. if things don't work out for you as you have it, try this...

Go to the hardware store and pick out a bolt and "castle nut" as close to the same size as you have now. A castle nut is the same nut they use on the tie rod ends on the front end of your car/ truck that have the pins through them. You might have to drill the hole in your pipe/baffle a little larger depending on the bolt you choose.

Put the bolt in from the inside so the threads are on the outside bottom of the pipe, then screw the castle nut on and tighten the snot out of it.

Take a 1/8 drill bit and drill through the bolt in between the castle nut teeth.

Install a 1/8 cotter pin and never worry about it again. They ain't going nowhere.