Those that have the JBQ seem to love 'em. This is what I use. It's a fast easy install, so I don't ride with anything attached and I carry it in case I need to lift the bike for a repair away from home.
Those that have the JBQ seem to love 'em. This is what I use. It's a fast easy install, so I don't ride with anything attached and I carry it in case I need to lift the bike for a repair away from home.
Sitting on an ATV jack- it balances nicely. The next set I make will be a little longer. These are nearly flush with the bottom of the sump pan, but definitely relieve some of the weight from that area.
Sitting on an ATV jack- it balances nicely. The next set I make will be a little longer. These are nearly flush with the bottom of the sump pan, but definitely relieve some of the weight from that area.
Installed the eBay JBQ lift plate last week. Perfect fit. Turns out the possible need for a "spacer" referred to in the ad is a gap between the left side of the bracket and the frame. Picture attached showing gap. Anyone know if it is necessary to fill this gap? The eBay seller was concerned that the lift plate might flex upward at that gap under a load. Personally, I doubt this very thick plate can budge at that point unless there are a few thousand more lbs. pressing down on it. I will eventually get around to using my lift on this plate and find out for certain. What do you think?