J-B-Q Lift Adapter

Yeah, that's what I'm thinking too, Paul. Heck, I have a bro-in-law who can pretty much weld/fabricate anything so I probably can make it fit. Thanks.
It's been a while, but I seem to remember you just have to drill an existing hole/holes larger, or maybe add one on one or both sides. There was a lot of discussion on it a few years back. Or was that Daryl/ Flip meister's?
If it needs a "small spacer" it sounds slight larger... thus a flat washer or few. Sounds like you could make it work. When I installed mine it actually came with a thick washer.
I just bit the bullet and sprang for the adapter as advertised. Will post how it works out. My '08 Touring is still in transit, hope it arrives before or by the time the adapter does.
Remember to install your extra size battery cables while you're at it.
Already did that on my '06 Classic....thought I was the first Rocket Man to achieve that distinction...no.....? But that raises an interesting question: Should I/could I.... install my OEM cables from my '06 Classic onto/into my '08 Rocket Touring on top of it's OEM cables....that is to say....doubling up the cables?
I've never heard of anyone doing that with the positive cable. You may certainly double up on the negative cable - selecting a slight longer bolt at both ends.
I've never heard of anyone doing that with the positive cable. You may certainly double up on the negative cable - selecting a slight longer bolt at both ends.
Why then are both positive and negat
I've never heard of anyone doing that with the positive cable. You may certainly double up on the negative cable - selecting a slight longer bolt at both ends.
Why did I just recently pay Mittzy for a much thicker positive cable?
@VABird quit making them. Have to find something used if you want a JBQ.
Sorry, I have not been on the forum for a while due to my Ad blocker. I'm not sure how I am now!
While I did stop making the JBQ for the R3s, I found some more in the dark corners of the shop.
There are about 15 left, and while they were made for the R3 Roadster, (NOT the new 2500s) I've heard from two buyers that said they easily adapted them to other models by addition of a small spacer.
While the non-Roadster JBQs were larger in one spot and would not fit the Roadsters at all, I can see how this opposite scenario works, yet have not tried it myself since I don't have access to a bike for fitting.
I may not be able to be on the forum again, so if you're interested, don't contact me via PM, but at JackBeQuick.TBird@Gmail.com They're $115 shipped in USA or find them on eBay for $125: Triumph Rocket III JBQ Lifting bracket. | eBay .