I'd agree with that Bull, times we've been over in States driving we saw signs that went something like "Speed enforced by aircraft patrols" something like that? We thought "yeah right" and seemed everyone was sitting at 90mph anyway. Thats 150kmh. Over in NZ the open road limits 100kph (60mph) and now if your caught at 140kph you lose your license. Our roads are pretty rubbish but the cops are pretty much revenue collectors.
We also have holiday weekend limits to 4kph over speed limit (thats 2.4mph) you only have to hit a bump on the road, twist the throttle slightly and your done. Oddly on these weekends the road death toll goes up more than when they don't bother about it. If they concentrated on dangerous driving rather than speed think they'd do better. And the clowns that do 70kph on single lanes but 110kph on overtaking then slow down again so no one gets past.
Rant, rant rant...
However we don't have to clean up the mess from accidents and the ones we saw in the USA looked pretty savage.