I've never been pulled over on a bike before until...

Only been up to 80 so far but I am old and by the time my mind catches up it feels fast. Looks like I have my work cut out for me. This is the first bike I've owned that I would feel comfortable even trying.
Been ticketed three times now on R3 and think this is more from luck than good management, had many tickets and telling off on other bikes, will probably get more as I'm slow to learn when it comes to motorcycles and the throttle.

If I lived & rode motor in OZ - likely be suspended or in prison after the first year.
Traffic enforcement seem WAY more aggressive than over here in the states.
Only been up to 80 so far but I am old and by the time my mind catches up it feels fast. Looks like I have my work cut out for me. This is the first bike I've owned that I would feel comfortable even trying.

Old is relative and once you crack the 130 mph barrier, you become younger!!!
Ask Einstein.
If I lived & rode motor in OZ - likely be suspended or in prison after the first year.
Traffic enforcement seem WAY more aggressive than over here in the states.

I'd agree with that Bull, times we've been over in States driving we saw signs that went something like "Speed enforced by aircraft patrols" something like that? We thought "yeah right" and seemed everyone was sitting at 90mph anyway. Thats 150kmh. Over in NZ the open road limits 100kph (60mph) and now if your caught at 140kph you lose your license. Our roads are pretty rubbish but the cops are pretty much revenue collectors.

We also have holiday weekend limits to 4kph over speed limit (thats 2.4mph) you only have to hit a bump on the road, twist the throttle slightly and your done. Oddly on these weekends the road death toll goes up more than when they don't bother about it. If they concentrated on dangerous driving rather than speed think they'd do better. And the clowns that do 70kph on single lanes but 110kph on overtaking then slow down again so no one gets past.

Rant, rant rant...

However we don't have to clean up the mess from accidents and the ones we saw in the USA looked pretty savage.
While commuting I Cruise at 77 in a 60 daily. Cars go 70-72 mostly so I should be fine, here's hoping.

Going to have to find a spot to open her up once in awhile the freeway I commute on is aircraft patrolled daily sono schenanigans there.

Once I get out of the Army Ill never get another freeway ticket again, nothing they ride or drive can even begin to hold a candle to a carp rocket. For now though, too much at risk to not just pull over right away.
A good friend of mine rides Ducati which is very fast and handles like you would not believe. He used to ride rather fast but now has slowed down a lot. He lost his licence and served a bit of time along with losing his job a couple of years ago. Thought he had outrun the police but guess again. The police were waiting for him at his house.