Got her registered today but my legs were giving me hell so I didnt ride. Tomorrow AM ill head over to get gas, dump in half a can of Seafoam and hit the highway to blow things out.
Just a note of caution here. When I posted the above I had gone over the bike and didnt notice any damage. I then headed off to work. I was off work the next day (Tue) and went over the bike with a fine tooth comb. I found a small dent in the front fender which was very hard to see when it was delivered. I contacted the previous owner who said there was no damage and was signed for as such. Now, since I was in a rush I too signed for it with no notations. When I did discover the damage I immediately contacted the shipper. There in writing is a clause that allows claims to be filed within 90 days of delivery. I did so and just received a letter denying my claim. They said that since I signed for it without any notations then they are not liable for it. Thats not what the fine print says. So, tomorrow I will compose a nice leter to their company CEO and see where this goes. I used Federal Motorcycle Transport for the move. It turns out that this bike was transferred to other trucks 3 times and was co-mingled with other non-motorcycle freight. When I first contacted them they said it only moves with other bikes. Not so as I have found out. Right now im just venting a little bit. I was in the trucking industry for many years and know that many claims are filed after a delivery is made when damage is noticed soon after a delivery is signed for clean. Same situation here. Ill post more as this goes on.