It's Gone

Just seen this, glad Your brother and his girlfriend are ok for the most part and I hope they have quick recovery.
Watcher, I too am happy they were not hurt worse. At least you have bags you can put on your Roadster now... Send pictures as I bet that will look... nice.

''Hmmm... orange hard bags on a black Roadster... sounds like a g-****ed Harley wannabe - sacrilege!!!

watcher, i was happy to hear that your bro and his lady will be OK and very sorry to hear of the demise of the Orange Julius ride - she was a sweet looker, for sure.
What kind of pantywaist arsehats are running this site that dammed (sic) gets censored?

What the fork is this, the corksoaking PTL or 700 Club for bikers?
heres to your bro and his girlfriend being mostly O.K..that orange rocket is freakin awsome! i agree with Idaho Red...make another one!!! soon!!!
Let's see......Black roadster with red stripes fitted with bright orange Touring bags.......

Do it! Do it! Do it!