*** you and the ignorance you wallow in.
Here is your percentages and properly spelled as well -
You be 100% arse hole!
Sorry as hell about loss of good looking bike, glad you folks are o.k. and will mend. No lic.,no insurance, sounds like a growing part of our population in what used to be the good old U.S.A.
Sure is a terrible shame..... Hate hearing that irresponsible cagers causing injury and .......... Etc you know what I mean.
Thoughts for your brother and his lady - sadly she will have to live with everlasting scars.
Sorry mate not sure I got it right .. your brother was riding your orange Rocket and a car hit him (and his girl) and your bikes wrecked now .. is that what happened ?

Yes Tom cat you got it
I want to thank everyone for there get well wishes and like I said just glad everyone was ok they will be sore more than anything. My brother called me all ready this morning was doing good I'm getting ready to head to his house he asked if I was done crying yet over the bike I said ya then he laughed and said well I'm not lol so he's in good spirits
Just saw this thread. Glad everyone's going to be OK. Hoping you had UM insurance and collision. Insurance can be a good thing.
Glad everything came out as well as it did. That bike was truly one of a kind. Sorry to hear of her demise
i am glad they are ok.
if my bike is ever totaled i hope i am lucky enough to be sitting on the couch watching tv:roll::roll:
Watcher, I too am happy they were not hurt worse. At least you have bags you can put on your Roadster now... Send pictures as I bet that will look... nice.