ISO Grips & Bar End Weights

jthree: We had the kury's installed w/out the bar weights and notice very little difference in vibes from the stock grips (w/weights). Ours is an '08 Standard. We trudge on.
I also have the Kurys installed with a set of fat highway hawk bars and i too did not use weights and i have zero vibration
I also have the Kurys installed with a set of fat highway hawk bars and i too did not use weights and i have zero vibration
It's those rubber mounted Touring bars that really need counter weights for vibration control. The only vibration issue I had with my Standard were the stock Mickey Mouse ear mirrors buzzing out of focus over 3000 rpm. A set of billet Kuryakins fixed that problem.
No bar end weights are needed with the ISO grips. However, if you want flow, Kuryakyn now makes bar end weights that work with the ISO grips....
I put ISO grips on my Rocket Classic and noticed NO vibration whatsoever.
I fitted the ISO gribs - simple instructions came with them. Love 'em. Didn't do anything about weights and have no problem with vibration.
It's those rubber mounted Touring bars that really need counter weights for vibration control. The only vibration issue I had with my Standard were the stock Mickey Mouse ear mirrors buzzing out of focus over 3000 rpm. A set of billet Kuryakins fixed that problem.
Oh yeah i forgot the tourer had those dreadful rubber mounts :cool:
ISOs, No Weights, No Vibe

I had a bad feeling that was going to be the case. I had enough vibration issues with other bikes I don't want to introduce it to this one.

Thanks for the heads up


I've been running the ISO grips on my '07 Standard and didn't put any bar end weights back on (pulled the stock ones) and have had no issues with vibration between 5-130mph...

So I finally received my grips and put them on last night. It took all of 20 minutes I think. The hardest part being getting the old, clutch side, grip off.
Rode to work this morning and I have to say I'm not sure I need the bar weights. I didn't notice any more vibration. That said, I held the eights up to the grips last night and I think if they were polished they would look cool. My problem is that the screws that held the weights on are now not long enough. What did you guys ( that used the weights) do for screws.



BTW, love the look of the ISO grips.
My stock screws were long enough to use , but ace harware should have longer ones if you need them. Yall have ace hardware in Canada? well any good hardware store should have longer screws. Don't forget the spacers too!!