I have built machine guards from Lexan (polycarb) and it is tough as nails ...no comparison to the Acrylic that I've had experience with .
I suspect that the aftermarket uses Acrylic as it's a far cheaper material ...more profits for them.
I want a taller shield for my R3 in Lexan and inquired with National last spring to see if they were interested.
Here is there response.
National Cycle Sales <sales@nationalcycle.com>
to me
Hi Martin,
At this point we have no plans to produce such a windshield - I will document this as a request, and if you have more friends looking for one, send them our way! The more people we have requesting a product, the more likely we will produce one.
Peter Bernacchi
Account Representative
866-ZTECHNK ext. 127 or
2200 Maywood Drive
Maywood, Illinois 60153