As this is a Rocket forum, you are going to get nothing but glowing reviews and rightly so. The R3 is a very well designed and engineered bike and as a result is very safe, in the right hands.
You state that you don't have much experience. Imo, the R3, although you could quite easily ride it, is not the bike for you at this stage.
There is a VERY high probability that you will drop your bike, regardless of what you are riding, at some stage purely through inexperience. I'm not saying that you are a bad or unskilled rider, but riding motorcycles is a skill which develops through experience. There would not be one single member of this forum who hasn't dropped their bike, at some stage. When I say "dropped" I'm not talking about crashes, but slow speed spills through over balance or gravel or slick grass, etc.
Usually more embarrassing than injurious, minor damage can result to your bike. The R3 being such a heavy bike, if she decides to go down you'd have to be well placed or Arnold to stop her. The way they are designed, even a small fall can cause substantial dollar value damage.
So, my point is, hold on to your goal of owning and riding a Rocket but garner another twelve months or so experience riding before pulling the trigger and investing big $$$.