Is the R3T really a piece of junk?

I would totally agree, I've had my '09 since May '10. there is nothing like it for grunt and stability. It's pretty comfortable for an old curmudgeon like me!
You should be getting the message loud and clear, ZoneIII, that with great power, comes great responsibilty.

Although I've had my fair share of tribulation with my '07 Mulberry Mistress, most of the vexing/costly problems I've had with her were caused by lousy dealers doing shoddy work. In other words they were totally preventable. Outside of those issues I've had a detente spring and a primary TPS fail - no biggie given the nearly 7 years I've had the Beast. In fact, over 51 years of riding and having owned about 20 motorcycles and ridden hundreds more, I can honestly say that the big Triumph is the best and most fun bike I've ever experienced.

If you take care of her, she'll take care of you should be your takeaway! Anything mechanical can break and conversely they can usually be fixed or maintained to a level that minimizes the two aforementioned inevitabilities.
Reading any online forum will quickly give you the notion that every bike is a lemon. It isn't like people come to the forums to brag about how wonderful and reliable their bike is. They come to ***** and moan. After being on many forums, you realize that most issues are overblown and bikes these days are pretty ****ed good. All of em.......well except Harleys!!
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I am the proud owner of a 2013 R 3 Touring. with the exception of a waterpump leak it's been trouble free. I ride long distances like MS to CO & SD, etc. Realizing there arn't as many Trumph dealers as HD for instance, I purchased a maint. program where any qualified shop can do the work AND I carry a CD with the R3 shop manual to give me a decent chance in jock strap, MT.
Bikes are like shoes. If you use the same pair every day they get stinky and wear out. If you ride a lot, buy another bike and rest the R3 a little. The satisfaction of the R3 ride is worth the troubles. The best similar bike is the Valkyrie. Under-powered by comparison but with it's own virtues. There are many to be had on the cheap.
I have 35000kms, touch wood , no problems. As far as if something happens on the road well away from a Triumph dealer, grab your phone, POST that your broken down and need help, SEVERAL captains will probably respond with trouble shooting issues, or flat out how to repair it if you get to a non Triumph mechanic......or a Triumph mechanic for that that matter.