Is my Rocket III Touring too heavy for me?

Oh Yeah,
I don't play around with parking. If I've gotta park a block away to avoid a poor parking spot so be it.
It's an easy trade off to be able to ride such a great bike.
At work I park up front right by the door. It is really a fire zone but no one complains. If a Pickup parks to the left and another parks to the right in leaves a very small opening for me to navigate through when I leave. So now when I am ready to go if I am blocked in the Plant manager chimes in over the speaker and says Rocket three departing. This ends up with one or two guys running to the lot to move their trucks.

I've posted this image before; but I like it and it's relevant, so....

F*ck backing this thing up hill! Doesn't matter if it's only a small incline; doesn't matter what every sheep in the pen is doing.
Let gravity be your friend.
Harley types love to back in. They think it is cool. Been there done that. When they backend it is custom to rev up the motor. No idea why, the bike does not have a reverse.
I much prefer to back in when I can -- cars, motorcycles, airplanes, boats -- just makes it easier to leave when I want to leave, and generally I have more flexibility at parking time and can't predict what will be the case at departure time.
Alrighty, then Mr, Jones. You should have computed our answer by no and it is a resounding "No, she ain't heavy, she's my other!" Now get out there and buy the dammed motorsickle already, you hear?!

I'm about 5' 10", 175 lbs of pure muscle (mostly between the ears and I've had to right the beast 2 or three times over the last 8 years (please don't ask me why!) and I've been able to do it relatively effortlessly because I learned long ago the proper way to do it.

Bottom line is that if I and others here can pick her up, so can you. Be smart, be safe and get 'er done, Jonesy Boy!!! We'll look forward to welcoming you as our newest Rocket III Captain sometime in the near future.

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I've posted this image before; but I like it and it's relevant, so....

F*ck backing this thing up hill! Doesn't matter if it's only a small incline; doesn't matter what every sheep in the pen is doing.
Let gravity be your friend.

Parking that way just calls more attention to your bike. Who wants to ogle all those Harley''ve see one you've seen them all. Now you get a ..What The Hell Is That!
And one more big tip that is so easy to do but it's a must to remember .
The Rocket does not lean that far down because the kick stand almost keeps it up right so if your on a slit hill you must make sure you park it on the side the hill or slop on kick stand Side.
If you park it on a hill or slop that on the oppistide side of kick stack your bike will tip over.
When I had my Honda VTX 1800 when you put down the kick stand it leaned over so much I could still park it any way I want on a hill and it will never tip over, but the Rocket you need to be carful or shorten your kick stand so it could lean over more

Apology accepted Rick. It is in the past and forgotten already