It's time to bleed the brakes of my 2015 R3T. In the past, I also bled the ABS module using DealerTool. But the other day I ran into a YouTube video where the guy making it claimed that almost no bikes actually need the ABS system bled during normal brake bleeding. He claimed that almost all bikes have "open" ABS systems meaning, if I'm interpreting him correctly, that fluid passes through the ABS module during normal braking and that's it's unnecessary to bleed the ABS system with software when doing routing brake bleeding for most bikes. (He claims it's unnecessary for almost all bikes.) I was skeptical. That is, until I reviewed the shop service manual. The supplement section covers ABS for the R3R which would also covers the R3T. Here's what it says (page 19.33 for rear brake bleeding but it's the same for the front brakes):
"Using the Triumph diagnostic tool, it is possible to bleed the ABS modulator of trapped air. This is necessary when THE HYDRAULIC BRAKE SYSTEM HAS BEEN DISMANTLED, OR THE ABS MODULE RENEWED."
It appears from that info that the YouTube guy is correct - at least for the R3T / R3R - and that those bikes have an open ABS system. Of course, it's possible that the manual is incorrect (I've found other errors in it.)
So, is the manual correct? Is it unnecessary to bleed the ABS module with software when doing normal bleeding? That would be nice. If true, hopefully some other R3T and R3R owners who have been bleeding the ABS system whenever they bled their brakes will now know that that's unnecessary.