Is it just me or is the R3 appreciating in value?


.060 Over
Mar 25, 2010
Western New York
I've been checking ads lately for a friend of mine who is looking for a R3 and I'm not seeing the same deals I found last year when I was looking. A year ago I came across several bikes in the $6-7,000 range (paid $6,500 for mine, '06 w/ 14k miles), now you can't find anything under $7,500 unless it's been wrecked or has very high mileage (40k+). I've been checking it for weeks using a national Craigslist search, CycleTrader and eBay. Either people aren't as bad off as they were a year ago (got mine from a guy who had been out of work for a year and needed cash fast) or the value has gone up, or people are asking more (not necessarily getting more though).
I'd like to see R3s appreciate in value. I don't know if that's the reality though.
Maybe someone out there would buy my R3T for what I owe on it. I can dream , right ?
In my experience with Hinckley Triumphs, their not even broke in until about the 40,000 mile mark. The three that I've owned (Thunderbird Sport, Trophy 1200, and my Rocket) all started running smoother, and shifting better at about 35K - 40K miles. I debate on selling mine from time to time.. It would be nice to see their value go up!

Haven't you heard? Obama said everythings getting better.

Doubt many will want to sale this year. Gas is going up fast.
Greetings folks. I just traded my Sprint for an '05 R3. 8900 miles $7200. I think it was a great deal so please don't tell me otherwise !
You got a great bike. That's it.
Hang on, an '05 with 8900miles. WTF?

Welcome from Downunder, by the way.
Hey Bugeater,
sounds like you got a deal there.
Bought my wife an '05 for about the same money a year or so ago.
How about posting in the "meet the members" section so everyone can say hi
and welcome aboard.
glad to have you with us by the way.
I think it's just that the American dollar isn't worth **** any more.
I may have to sell my 05 this year. It has 76000 miles. With that kind of mileage it will definitely be one of the low cost Rockets on the market, I don't really even know where to start with the price. It runs great and always has, no major problems, but with motorcycles 76k is a lot of miles, unless its a Goldwing. I rode the hell out of it the first two years, mostly because it was a lot of fun, but in part to try and wring out any problems before the warranty expired. It passed with flying colors.

There really is no reason a well cared for Rocket should not go for 200k miles or more, the engine is not under much stress at any time unless its turbocharged or drag racing on a regular basis.