Is it just me or are the newer Rockets hotter than the first gen Rockets when riding in the summer heat.

Mighty Mouse

It's All In The Reflexes!
Jan 14, 2010
Sierra Foothills, California
Your girlfriend
I rode about 120 miles yesterday round trip in heat from 80 up to 96 when I was done. Most of the riding was on the freeway and at speeds I usually don't go up to. I was trying to beat the heat. When I got home the seat was uncomfortably hot as was everything under me. One of the pillion pegs was down and as I pushed it up I heard a hissing sound. Of course the constant 'pinging' you get when you let it sit. The other peg was very hot to the touch. If my seat was hot then under the seat must have been melting. Is this just newer ones, my Rocket, or the higher speeds and heat are the culpret. The ride back was around 65 miles and that's when I decided to ride a little faster. I don't remember any bike including my 3 HD getting that hot. Just curious as some of you guys in Arizona and such ride at 95 degrees in March and 110 in August. I feel it shouldn't get that friggin hot. Anyone else have that problem?
If the temperature is showing 'NO WARNING' in dash then its normal. New rocket does get hot.