Is it a battery issue?

Ok saga continues
About 4-5 hours have passed since I connected a new battwr and the bike hardly started. Seat is taken off and unplugged so no chance for Corbin to deflate battery.
I connected the charger for the night and will try in the morning but new battery should be full, right?
But is there anything what could be discharging the new battery so quickly? Wrongly connected wires during the service? Any ideas?
Something must doing it. To state the obvious just in case you have missed something...I have a Radar detector on my bike which unless i physically turn it off, will drain the battery. Anything you have added to the bike may do that...Is the ignition switch left in the off position?...i mean all the way off....Do you leave the steering lock engaged?..Parking lights?...I dont mean to be treating you as a dumb bugger but we do things like this sometimes...well i have done. Good luck in your search.
P.S. A friend of mine has had problems with his bike in the last few days with lights wont start then it will...turns out a battery lead was loose on the post. Now he cannot change ride mode from road to sport....I think the battery may have lost its guts now...
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Corbin seat ( main suspect, and the only one to be honest) disconnected.
No other additions. Everything switched off.
Not an expert by any means, especially for the new models, but 4-5 hours is not very long to drain a battery. I wonder if the shop got to things they shouldn't have. Kind of sounds like a direct short to me somewhere. Could be a bare wire, cable or damaged/burned pin in a plug.
Hope you get it sorted. These things can drive you nuts.
Corbin seat ( main suspect, and the only one to be honest) disconnected.
No other additions. Everything switched off.
Get a volt/ohm meter and start checking circuits for drain, make sure battery has full charge, take to someone who can do a full load test on the battery. New batteries can also be faulty.
I connected the charger for the night and will try in the morning but new battery should be full, right?

Nope - it never is. Normally every manual states that you have to charge the new battery before the first use.

And by the way: today it happens more and more often that also new batteries arrive already dead... everything has to be cheaper and cheaper and cheaper...
that's why there should be a (manufacture) date on the battery when you buy it, this allows you to make sure you don't buy an battery that has been in store for ages
Ok looks I would be placing myself in a territory I'm completely not familiar with. Checking circuits? Sanding wires?
I can fix your dog but what you are talking about is way out of my comfort zone - and no I'm not a millennial or a snowflake hahah but when it comes to black Betty o would not like to experiment haha