
Standard Bore
Jul 21, 2020
Iowa, USA
2006 Rocket3 motortrike conversion
Yeah, I'm new to forums and my typing sucks. Got a new fake hip last year and had to move to a trike to haul the other half along. I got a converted R3, and it rides great, but, finding stuff for it is proving to be a challenge. Fairings are pretty much non existent, highway bars, you know, dress up stuff. So that's my mission. That's what I'll be doing here. Any and all suggestions are always welcome. Thanks Bros!
Since you have a trike the crash bars are only good for breaking off stuff like steel road sign post. Yes I've done that twice now :( and I suggest you avoid it as it hurts :)
oh and welcome to the real nutter house :)
Yeah, I can relate. However, putting road pegs on will save some cramped up hip issues. BUT they need to be wide, so I guess maybe the sign department can live with it!
Welcome my friend, I am also part titanium, ceramic and space aged plastics. It beats bone on bone contact all day!
Several on this forum have dress up parts for your ride, they'll be along soon.
Welcome to the group from Marion! You are not going to find many things for the Rocket here, outside of the dealers.
I'm about 20 minutes from J&P, as long as I'm after very generic stuff they might have something, otherwise its online.
Enjoy the site and the Rocket.
And there was I, wondering which parts of Iowa were lost!.

Welcome - R3 ownership has many many pluses. A big minus for some is the lack of off-the-shelf solutions when it comes to add-ons.
We all start getting inventive eventually. You'll see - once you are fully affected by R3 fever.
There are 2 solutions for cruising pegs, one is crash bars (which you don't need with a trike) and pegs mounted on the bars. The other is Goldwing cruising pegs which mount directly onto the peg rails that are on the bike. I'd say the 2nd option would be much more cost effective.
Corbin makes a fairing, seems that Tsukayu makes one for the Touring but not the other models.