Intro from MCCruise - if you have any questions

A bit of a mine but amazing product service and backup. I just picked up a 2013 version never fitted and then checked their web site. From what I had read on the forum I should have expected it but was amazed at the shipping and charges detailed information with Customs Tariff codes and Taxes, Duty and VAT etc.

You Yanks do it sweet tax/duty free US$916.00;
compared to us Aussies with Au$1,359.43 +10% VAT = Au$1495;
and the poor old POMs get raped by their Govt. £753.41 +3.7% tax then 20% VAT on top = £937.54 GBP (=Au$1690),

Cruise Control for Triumph Rocket III Classic and Tourer

They have good International business sense too, despite all online sales eventual conversion to Aussie $ for purchase, the base price is actually a US$ price so well hedged for our Aussie $'s plunge from US$1.10 equivalent July 2011 to just 0.67 cents US now.;):cool::D

All purchases made from this web site are in Australian dollars. International customers should use the currency converter at top right of screen to calculate a close approximation to the price in their currency.