Instrument panel loose


Standard Bore
May 24, 2021
2021 Rocket GT - Silver Ice
Hey everyone. Not sure if this has been covered, but the instrument panel on my new rocket gt appears to swivel down on its own while I am riding - especially under hard acceleration. Does anyone else have this issue? The bike is otherwise brilliant and I have no complaints. I love riding it.
Hey everyone. Not sure if this has been covered, but the instrument panel on my new rocket gt appears to swivel down on its own while I am riding - especially under hard acceleration. Does anyone else have this issue? The bike is otherwise brilliant and I have no complaints. I love riding it.
I saw a little bit of that after I installed the risers for the handlebar and was playing with the best position for the instrument panel and moving the bolts that secured it. Looks like the wire starts pulling it if you go to far from the original position. Check the bolts. Check the wire, you can even pull the wire a bit.
Hey everyone. Not sure if this has been covered, but the instrument panel on my new rocket gt appears to swivel down on its own while I am riding - especially under hard acceleration. Does anyone else have this issue? The bike is otherwise brilliant and I have no complaints. I love riding it.
My instrument panel is doing the same thing. The bolts are tight. Have you figured something out?
Hi guys, I have totally same problem with brand new ROCKET STORM 3 R 2025. Just few kilometers on the ODO and instrumental cluster is way too loose, it is moving up and down, under hard accelaration or braking.

2nd issue is, I cannot reset TRIP METERS. Both 1 & 2 are set in the main menu to manuall, but when I am trying to reset them to zero, nothing happens. Tried it with joistick or via the main menu.

Any advise pls? Otherwise bike is great!

Ok I had this problem when my replacement cluster was fitted. The two bolts that go in at either side horizontally are tight but the two pinch underneath are not tightened enough. Loosen the bolts off - tightened up the pinch bolts until it feels right to adjust the angle of the clocks by hand and then tighten the side horizontal bolts............ hope I'm explaining this properly.